Elevate Your Knowledge about Sending Bulk Emails with Laravel

What Is Laravel?

Laravel, an open-source PHP framework, stands out for its robustness and user-friendly nature, embracing a model-view-controller design pattern. What sets Laravel apart is its ingenious reuse of existing components from various frameworks, facilitating the creation of highly structured and pragmatic web applications. Drawing inspiration from PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii, and languages such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel boasts an extensive set of functionalities that significantly accelerates web development.

For developers well-versed in Core PHP and Advanced PHP, Laravel simplifies tasks, saving considerable time, especially when building websites from the ground up. Notably, Laravel’s comprehensive feature set enhances the speed of web development, while the framework’s security measures make websites resistant to various cyber threats, reinforcing its position as an excellent choice for developers seeking efficiency, security, and rapid web application development.

Learn about Laravel’s Popularity And Growth

In 2022, Laravel emerged as a trending choice for PHP framework development, experiencing a 2x increase in popularity. The framework has garnered adoption by over 761,321 live websites, a testament to its efficacy and widespread acceptance within the development community. Laravel continues to be a driving force in shaping the landscape of modern PHP web development.

Significant Features Of Laravel

Laravel stands out as a premier framework for web application development, primarily due to its encompassing array of key features. The first notable feature is its emphasis on modularity, offering 20 built-in libraries and modules that significantly contribute to application enhancement. Each module seamlessly integrates with the Composer dependency manager, facilitating effortless updates and ensuring a cohesive development environment.

Another standout attribute is Laravel’s commitment to testability. The framework incorporates a range of features and helpers designed to simplify testing across various test cases. This intrinsic testability feature not only streamlines the testing process but also promotes code maintenance in alignment with evolving project requirements.

Furthermore, Laravel excels in providing a flexible approach to routing, empowering users to define routes within web applications. This flexibility not only aids in scaling applications effectively but also contributes to enhanced performance, making Laravel an ideal choice for developers seeking a robust and versatile web development framework.

How To Send Bulk Email Through Laravel:

For sending bulk emails through Laravel, you need to follow the steps described here:

  • Installation: first install the Laravel application and make sure it is running. The command line should look like the one below:
    Composer create-project –prefer-dist Laravel/Laravel bulk_email_app
    cd bulk_email_app
  • Next, for configuring your mail credentials, go to your .env file and add email credentials like mailer name (SMTP), mail host (mailpit), port number, user name, password, encryption, sender’s email address in front of ‘mail from address’ and the sender’s name in front of ‘mail from the name’. An example of email configuration setup commands looks like the following;
  • After entering the email credentials details, enter the bulk email recipient addresses. This step is termed as seeding. If you want to upload the bulk email, you can do so by using as shown below:
  • If you want to queue the emails, you need to set up the driver for it. You can do so in your .env file by using the following command line;
    for queueing the emails, the protocol is described later in this guide.
  • The next step is to create a command line for sending bulk emails. This command line is termed an Artisan command which will be as follows:
    php artisan make: command SendBulkEmails
  • In the ‘sendBulkEmail’ command, type the command line for sending the emails as desired. One an example is illustrated here;
  • Next, create the name for the email and the email content. For example, if the email is ‘New Newsletter Email’, then the job would look like this;
  • Create the job for sending the bulk email by using the command line;
    php artisan make: job SendBulkEmailJob
  • The last step is to run the command for sending the bulk emails by using the following job:
    php artisan queue: listen
  • You can also schedule your bulk emails. So, with this guide, you can send your bulk emails by customizing them according to your codes and email content.

How To Queue Emails In Laravel?

Laravel integrates queue services for tasks such as emailing a large number of users or executing specific Cron jobs. Queues streamline task completion by allowing processes to proceed independently, eliminating the need to wait for the prior task’s completion, and enhancing efficiency in task management. For sending bulk emails in a queue, we use the following steps:

  1. Firstly, a queue table is created using artisan commands, and its migration is executed. The QUEUE_CONNECTION variable in the .env file is then set to ‘database’ for queue management.
  2. A Welcome Mail class, responsible for sending welcome emails, is generated using artisan, and the Should Queue interface is implemented for queuing functionality.
  3. The Mail class is initialized in the controller, and after saving client data, the email is queued using the send method.
  4. To process queued jobs locally, the artisan command “php artisan queue: listen” is employed.
  5. Scheduling the mail involves adding a command to the scheduler in the kernal.php file, and it can be tested locally with “php artisan schedule: work.”
  6. On the production server, the scheduler is typically integrated with a corn job for automated execution.

How To Send Emails With Attachments In Laravel?

For sending the emails with attachments, you can use the following ways:

  • In your application, you have a ‘config’ directory with an ‘email.php’ file. Within this file, you can find a list of ‘mailers’ with a lot of sample configurations. You can use any of them.
  • Another method is to use the command lines in the .env file.

For the latter method, firstly, email configuration settings are defined in the .env file, specifying details such as SMTP mailer, host, port, credentials, encryption, and sender information.

Database setup, form creation for user input, and route definitions for creating users and displaying data follow.

The process involves creating a User Controller and handling user data storage and display.

Additionally, a send File email class is generated to encapsulate email sending logic, allowing attachment of files.

Are There Any Bulk Email Limits With Laravel?

Laravel imposes no limits on the number of recipients, with the cap determined by the email provider. While many providers allow up to 100 recipients (To + CC + BCC), some permit more. However, exceeding a mailbox’s recipient limit may result in undelivered emails. The recommended approach is to send emails in smaller batches, ensuring faster processing and reliable delivery, and mitigating potential issues associated with recipient limits set by email providers.

Advantages of Laravel

Laravel presents distinct advantages for web application design, enhancing scalability and expediting development processes. The framework’s architecture contributes to heightened scalability, allowing web applications to efficiently accommodate growing demands. Significant time savings are realized as Laravel leverages components from other frameworks, streamlining the design process through efficient reuse.

Additionally, Laravel incorporates namespaces and interfaces, providing an organizational structure that simplifies resource management. This feature promotes a systematic approach to development, aiding developers in efficiently organizing and managing resources within the framework, thereby contributing to a more structured and maintainable web application design.

Closing Details

Laravel emerges as a steadfast platform in PHP frameworks, characterized by its robustness, user-friendly design, and adherence to the model-view-controller pattern. Inspired by renowned PHP frameworks and languages, Laravel accelerates web development, offering a comprehensive feature set that enhances efficiency and security.

Its popularity is underscored by a 2x increase in 2022, with over 761,321 live websites adopting Laravel. The framework’s features, emphasizing modularity, testability, and flexible routing, position it as an ideal choice for developers seeking a versatile and reliable web development environment. Laravel not only simplifies complex tasks but also fortifies websites against cyber threats, ensuring a seamless and secure development experience.

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