How To Design An Email Signature: 4 Steps To Take and 5 Tools to Use

An email signature is one of the key things that makes a business stand out. According to experts, around 89.9% of emails only rely on single-word email signatures—nearly not enough to make an impact. Now, the purpose of an email signature is to spread awareness.

Experts say that around 18% of businesses use it to influence lead generation. While 28% of businesses make them with hopes of increasing brand awareness in general. So, what exactly is an email signature? What is its function, and how is it created?

More importantly, what sort of tools can you use to make an effective email signature?

What Is An Email Signature?

An email signature is a block of text, usually placed at the bottom of an email. This block of text comprises key information regarding the sender and provides insight into the business, or the person sending the email.

The experts of say that the five key features of an email signature include:

  • Full Name: Clearly state your complete name.
  • Position: Mention your job title or role.
  • Company: Include the name of your organization.
  • Contact Information: Provide your phone number and email.
  • Professional Quote: Add a brief professional statement or tagline.

As you can notice, the purpose of an engaging email signature is to provide information necessary for the recipient to connect with the business/sender. Therefore, it should feature information necessary in the format mentioned above—though you can be creative to stand out.

What Is An Email Signature

4 Key Steps To Design An Effective Email Signature

Creating an email signature is a process that should be approached naturally. You can look up generic templates and existing designs. But, a better idea is to go about it from scratch and making something that truly represents your business/ideas.

That’s why an effective email signature shouldn’t just be about creating a generic design, it should be about brand representation. Bearing that in mind, here are four key steps to create such an email signature:

1: Choose A Font

Selecting an appropriate font is a crucial step in designing an effective email signature. The font should be clear and concise, making it easy for the email recipients to quickly absorb the information presented. So, it should have a few qualities like:

  • Clean and clear sans-serif fonts;
  • Maintained consistency in font throughout;
  • And features a legible font size.

So, you need to opt for clean and professional fonts to ensure readability across various devices. A sans-serif font, such as Arial or Calibri, works well for email signatures as they are easy on the eyes. Then it’s also important to avoid decorative or overly stylized fonts.

And consistency is also key; use the same font throughout to maintain a cohesive and polished appearance. Lastly, A font size between 10 and 12 points strikes a balance between readability and space efficiency.

2: Include Essential Contact Information

Incorporating essential contact information is important when designing an effective email signature. It’s not just about establishing a signature but also a practical tool for effective communication So, you have to ensure that that the recipient can readily identify key details such as:

  • The name
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • And email address.

Clearly display your full name and keep it consistent with professional communication. Follow this with the job title by showcasing your role within the organization. Then mentioning the company name reinforces brand association.

Moreover, including a phone number facilitates direct communication while an email address is indispensable in the digital age. This information forms the core of a functional email signature, enabling recipients to quickly access pertinent details.

Include Essential Contact Information

3: Add A Company Logo

Enhancing an email signature with visual and optional elements can elevate its visual appeal and functionality. It’s important to consider incorporating a company logo, as it reinforces brand identity and a professional image. So, the three key things to include visually are:

  • Include a distinctive company logo.
  • Integrate social media icons strategically.
  • Consider a concise, professional quote.

Now, logos are visual anchors that leave a lasting impression on recipients. But including social media icons is a strategic move as it allows individuals to connect with the sender across various platforms. It expands the scope of communication beyond email while promoting a broader online presence.

An expert of says that a professional quote can add a personal touch, offering insight into the individual’s values or aspirations. However, moderation is key to avoid clutter and ensure that the essential information remains prominent.

4: Keep The Design Simple

Maintaining simplicity in email signature design is quite necessary to ensure readability across various devices. So, you have to keep the design straightforward and refrain from cluttering the signature with excessive elements. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Prioritize a clean, uncluttered layout
  • Avoid excessive graphics for readability
  • Ensure simplicity for cross-device compatibility
  • And go for straightforward design elements.

A clean and uncluttered layout contributes to a professional appearance and allows recipients to absorb information effortlessly. Simplicity also aids in quick loading times, making the email signature accessible for users with varying internet speeds or on mobile devices.

You can ensure that the email signature remains visually appealing and functions seamlessly by embracing simplicity. This approach aligns with the goal of effective communication – delivering information in a clear and concise manner.

Top 5 Tools To Use To Design An Effective Email Signature

The best way to create a custom email signature is by using tools that help create the signature easily. Bearing that in mind, here are some of the top tools that recommends:

1: WiseStamp

WiseStamp is one of the top-tier email signature tools. The tool effortlessly elevates your email game with personalized signatures that you can customize to reflect your style.

It also offers thorough integration of social media updates and dynamic banners adds a professional touch. Lastly, the easy-to-use user interface also makes it an ideal program to use on the daily.

2: MySignature

MySignature is another great tool for creation of email signatures. It has the ability to personalize your signatures while allowing you to reflect your unique style. Much like the previous one, this one also uses addition of emails, social media handles, etc.

With its user-friendly interface, MySignature ensures effortless signature creation and management, making it a reliable choice for elevating your email experience.

3: Exclaimer

Exclaimer is another email signature tool that falls in the upper echelon of tools in this category. What makes it ideal is how effortlessly it turns your email sign-offs into professional and eye-catching signatures.

With its user-friendly interface, it lets you create customized signatures quite easily. And the tool also offers a free trial that makes it ideal for testing before trying the paid version.

4: Gimmio

Gimmio is another viable email signature software as it offers easy signature creation. While akin to Exclaimer and other tools, Gimmio specializes in blending creativity with professionalism.

Its intuitive design allows you to craft distinctive and visually appealing signatures. Now, it may not offer as inclusive optimization as other tools on this list, but it’s still quite a capable option.

5: Email Signature Rescue

Email Signature Rescue is the last tool on this list, and it stands out with simplicity and versatility. It lets you easily design professional email signatures for your team.

It’s yet another tool that makes it very easy for both formatting and design as it offers an easy-to-use interface. And, you can also directly integrate the created signatures directly in Outlook, Gmail. Etc.


Creating an email signature is more of a personal preference than a necessity. However, it is absolutely a necessity to provide your key information at the end of each email. And, the process mentioned above should help you simplify your email signature.

However, it’s also important that you use some of the top tools that we have mentioned. Using any one of these can simplify the process and help you create unique email signatures.

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