Boosting Sales: The Best Email Marketing Apps for Shopify in 2024

In the ever mobilizing world of e-commerce, email marketing is still one of the trustable ways in which to approach customers to engage and get an increase in sales. 

Compared to customers who do not receive email offers, those who do so spend a whopping 138% more money. More so, for platforms like Shopify housing so many businesses, the appropriate use of marketing tools becomes a critical issue. In this article, we discuss some of the best Shopify email marketing apps that can significantly increase sales in 2024.

Email Marketing with Shopify

Email Marketing with ShopifyA

Recent statistics disclose that every dollar put into email marketing delivers an average return on investment of $42. This therefore means that this is a powerful retention and conversion asset for the Shopify store owners. 

Email marketing applications with Shopify eliminate time-consuming processes like list building, segmentation, and targeted campaigning which are critical in implementing a successful marketing strategy.

Top Email Marketing Apps for Shopify 2024

Top Email Marketing Apps for Shopify

Email marketing is used by 82% of marketers globally. This entails sending out personalized emails to the people who once expressed an interest in your business.

The email can consist of links that enable individuals to buy a product by boosting sales. This is also a strategic tool to get more traffic to your website by using the method of sharing special offers or special updates on your website.

The second major advantage of email marketing is the strong customer relationship. At the rear of a customer consistently getting appealing emails, communication can be significantly enhanced. They should also be personalized which could involve naming the recipient. This makes them identify with your brand.

Email marketing also helps in increasing the visibility of the brand. Constant communication ensures that the companies do not leave the minds of the customers and also develop pending leads in that period. 

It is cheaper than other advertisements and targets brand awareness only. The specifications put into consideration while selecting the marketing app include

  • Ease of use
  • Feature sets
  • Analytical data
  • Value for money

Let’s have a look at some of the Marketing apps for Shopify that have all of the above-mentioned features. Below is a summary of each brand and its email marketing tools:

Email Bulk Sender

Email Bulk Sender

This automated platform focuses on e-commerce businesses and provides advanced data-driven marketing tools. The company is aided by its unique predictive analytics, benchmarking, and personalized recommendations besides the dynamic product feed. 

Email Bulk Sender’s ultimate goal is to simplify intelligent marketing features so that people can engage in smarter digital relationships.

Shopify Email

This is an inbuilt tool on the Shopify platform that seeks to make it easy for users with a Shopify email account to start off their email marketing campaigns. 

It has features such as an easy-to-use drag-and-drop email editor and sales-oriented templates that will integrate seamlessly with your shopping store. The focus is placed on simplicity and straightforward integration with your eCommerce platform.


This is the best application for first-timers considering its simple interface and effective integration with websites like Shopify. Mailchimp allows for Google Analytics integration, marketing automation, and template customization.

This tool along with a few others is regarded as one of the most efficient tools in comparison to the implementation of email marketing activities.


As the name implies, SMSBump is a text message and email marketing system. It also includes chatbot abandoned cart recovery as well as other automated flows. Additionally, it is designed for seamless integration with Shopify for a broader range of messaging options.


This tool has been reconfigured to include social media integration and email marketing via SMS. It offers a large number of automated workflows and customer behavior-based segmentation solutions so that users can reach out to customers with the appropriate message at exactly the right moment. 

Its user-friendly functionality, intuitive email editor, and multi-channel marketing are another benefit that allows you to manage communication in a more efficient way.


Privy is all about growing your email and SMS lists and increasing your online sales. The former comes with several new features that are continuously updated such as pop-ups, email, and SMS marketing tools. However, site conversion is one of the main features it provides mainly based on high maximization of the sales revenues.


Seguno wants to make email marketing as simple as possible for Shopify store owners. It has excellent functionalities such as automatic newsletters and seamless integration with Shopify. It has been designed for small and medium-sized businesses in general.


When it comes to automation, Moosend is a great email marketing software that works wonders. It certainly isn’t for the beginner in the world of email marketing, but it offers some excellent advanced-level features such as automated email sequences and a rich template library.

The intention seems to comfort users who want more than just the basics out of their email solutions.

Active Campaign

As for ActiveCampaign, it is distinguished by its complex automation and customer relationship management tools, which are also famous for their sophistication of segmentation and automation. 

It is ideal for people planning to spend more money on email marketing. Other than that, quality service and a good mail delivery rate are also its advantages.


ConvertKit is a creator and small business owner-oriented that makes it beginner-friendly because of its visual automation builders and integration with hundreds of other key platforms.

This becomes its selling point where it is known to be very simple yet efficient and is particularly useful in situations where users do not require complex features or functionality.

Each one of these platforms is specific to the needs they tend to serve, and they have different kinds of ways in which email marketing tools could benefit store owners on Shopify. 

The right choice for a platform will majorly depend on your space-specific business needs, level of expertise in email marketing as well as your spending plan or budget.

How To Decide The Right Email Marketing App

How To Decide The Right Email Marketing App

Consider the following tips to help you make an informed choice as the digits and features of these email marketing apps can make the most confusing selection for your Shopify store:

Building Tools

The application should have email-building tools that make it easier to create emails with drag and drop, without requiring any kind of technical expertise.

Pre-Built Templates

Choose a tool that has predefined templates of emails, landing pages, and sign-up forms. Predefined templates will help you not only with keeping the tone you want with your brand but also save time.

Segmentation Based on Tag and Custom Field

Email marketers that segment their lists see a 760% increase in revenue. Segmentation is a great feature that makes it possible to downlink your audience with the help of tags or custom fields. This will make tuning marketing campaigns to reach the target segment.

Automation Features

Choose apps that have an easy-to-use workflow builder and if possible, templates preset for automation. 65% of marketers use automated email marketing. Automation helps to save time and ensures that the messages are sent to the contacts at the appropriate time.

Friendly User Interface

Beginning with a free plan or trial one can get an idea of how the app is easy to use and what one can expect from it.


Develop a pricing plan for your app that matches your business budget and also for future growth.

Reliable Customer Support

When considering an app amongst the factors to consider in choosing an app, make sure that your chosen app has friendly and helpful customer services as regards troubleshooting.

Compatibility with Other Apps

Also, be keen on the compatibility of the app with other tools and platforms relevant to you. Seamless integrations can improve data efficiency and synchronization.

Analytics capabilities 

And, do not forget to consider the analytics capabilities of the app. You can learn about fine-grained details by observing consumer behavior and how campaign outcomes can impact decision-making.


By considering these factors, you can make a good choice of an email marketing app dealing with not only your present objectives but also fitting the future.

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